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Bully Bash 5-4-2008 Photo Gallery
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Bully Bash Booth

Kulani welcomes Nicki to MWDR

Brody (left) kissing Ingrid (right)

Nicki's audition

Kody kissing a volunteer

Kulani giving kisses

Nicki kissing Ruckus

Ruckus kissing Kulani

Baron hugging Nicki

Kody gives full body hugs!

Nicki getting hugs

Gettin' down and dirty w/the dobes

More play time for the dobes

Sue with the dobies

Taz gets a belly rub

Jada says thanks for saving me!

Ingrid says hi

Volunteer Charlene visits with Rochelle

Baron play bows to Nicki

Brody smiles

Ruckus smiling

Cinnamon's big dober-grin

Jada poses for a big dober-smile

Kody gives a big smile

Kulani says cheese!!

Nicki's happy to be here

Taz gives a big grin

Kulani guards Patty's sign

At the end of the day, we had lots of tired Dobies