St. Charles, MO 63301
Last Updated: 3/27/2025 1:35 PM
© 2025 Dobe Rsq
Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Adopt a Doberman 1. Why do I want a Doberman? 2. What do I know about Dobermans? What is there to know? 3. Who will take care of this Doberman in my household? Who will feed her? Who will take her to the vet? Who will exercise her? Take her to obedience classes? Who will she "belong" to? 4. Where will this Doberman sleep? What will I feed her? Am I willing to pick up poop everyday, rain or shine, summer or winter, in the yard or on our walks? 5. Can I afford basic veterinarian care? Am I informed about yearly expenses of heartworm preventive and inoculations? 6. Will I follow through on emergency vet care? Do I know where the nearest animal emergency clinic is? Injuries and illnesses usually happen when we least expect them. 7. Who will take care of my Doberman when I am on vacation? Can I afford to pay kennel or boarding care fees? Will my job require me to be away from home for extended periods of time--or even travel? 8. Can I deal with lots of short black or brown hair in my house and on my clothes? 9. Do I have the time to give this Doberman attention and exercise every day?
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