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2007 Doberman Meet & Greet Photo Gallery
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2007 Doberman Meet & Greet

Kelby's Cheese Puff Game

Bri's Treat Pull Game

Setting up for the big event

Cake for the humans

Cake for the doggies

Pretty Dobie Girl

Eat the cookie!

Phil & Zeus, our traffic directors

Meet Zeek, a handsome Dobie boy

Dobie with his Forever Family

Hey, you're not a Dobie!

Check out these gorgeous Dobie girls

Meet Troy, a handsome blue Dobie boy

Camera-shy Dobie

Big cheesey Dobie smile

Dr. Yaros talks to us about Dobie health

So many well-behaved Dobes!

Our volunteers tend to the Dobermans

A Howl-o-ween Dobie

A big, red Dobie boy

Buddy & Joey, CJ's best buds

Another big Dobersmile

Big, happy Dobie

What a handsome fellow!

Our canine pals get a blessing

Blessing of the Pets Ceremony

Kota dressed as a fairy

Zeus came dressed as a horse

Lucas is disguised as a poodle

Lucas (now known as Maco) with his daddy

Lilly as a surgeon

Lyla as Lily's patient

Dr. Richard Kimble...

... and the one-armed man!

Woohoo! I Got a Prize!

I'm Trying to Resist Eating My Prize

Ok, I give! I have to know what it is!!

Bri presents the raffle prize

Maco is One Pooped Party Animal...

...Must have been all the drinking he did!